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Alchemy of the Soul: A Hermetic Perspective on the Seven Deadly Sins


The Seven Deadly Sins, known in Christian theology as Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust, have been long contemplated in moral and religious discourse. However, in the lens of Hermetic philosophy, these ‘sins’ are seen as more than mere transgressions; they are the shadows of the soul, each representing a fundamental imbalance within the microcosm of the human being.

1. Pride (Superbia) – The Illusion of Separation

In Hermeticism, Pride is the illusion of separation from the Divine. It is the false belief in the ego’s supremacy, ignoring the interconnectedness of all things. This sin is countered by the principle of humility, which is not self-deprecation but the acknowledgment of one’s place in the grand scheme of the cosmos.

2. Envy (Invidia) – The Misalignment of Desire

Envy arises from a misalignment of desire, where one covets what others possess. In Hermetic teachings, this sin reflects a misunderstanding of one’s unique path and purpose. The remedy lies in understanding and embracing one’s individual journey and the universal flow of giving and receiving.

3. Wrath (Ira) – The Fire Misdirected

Wrath is seen as a misdirection of the fiery energy within. While fire is a transformative force in Hermetic alchemy, when misused, it leads to destructive wrath. The Hermetic practitioner seeks to channel this energy towards creative and spiritual pursuits rather than letting it manifest in anger.

4. Sloth (Acedia) – The Stagnation of Potential

Sloth in Hermeticism is the stagnation of one’s spiritual and personal potential. It is the reluctance to engage with the transformative processes necessary for growth. The antidote to sloth is the practice of diligence and embracing the dynamic nature of existence.

5. Greed (Avaritia) – The Distortion of Abundance

Greed is the distortion of the natural law of abundance. Hermeticism teaches that the universe is abundant and that greed arises from a scarcity mindset. The sin is overcome by cultivating a sense of gratitude and generosity, recognizing that wealth is to be circulated, not hoarded.

6. Gluttony (Gula) – The Imbalance of Consumption

Gluttony represents an imbalance in consumption, whether it be food, resources, or experiences. Hermeticism encourages moderation and the understanding that overindulgence leads to a disruption of equilibrium, both physically and spiritually.

7. Lust (Luxuria) – The Misuse of Creative Energy

Lust, in the Hermetic view, is the misuse of creative and sexual energy. This energy, when harnessed correctly, can be a powerful force for spiritual awakening and creativity. The focus should be on elevating this energy towards higher, more refined expressions.


The Seven Deadly Sins, through the Hermetic lens, are not merely prohibitions but signposts guiding us towards balance and spiritual alchemy. By understanding and transforming these shadow aspects within ourselves, we embark on a profound journey of self-realization and cosmic harmony.

This Hermetic perspective provides a deeper, more nuanced view of these traditional ‘sins’, encouraging a path of self-awareness and spiritual evolution.

“The word of sin is restriction”– Liber AL vel Legis

The line continues, “O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart!”

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