Love in an Elevator: The Mystical Intersection of Romance and the Supernatural

Love in an Elevator: The Mystical Intersection of Romance and the Supernatural

Elevators are often seen as mundane, utilitarian spaces, merely a means to traverse floors in a building. Yet, for the occult enthusiast, elevators can symbolize much more. These vertical vehicles represent portals between different planes of existence, each floor a different realm of reality. Within the confined space of an elevator, energies can be concentrated,…

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Alchemy of the Soul: A Hermetic Perspective on the Seven Deadly Sins

Introduction The Seven Deadly Sins, known in Christian theology as Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust, have been long contemplated in moral and religious discourse. However, in the lens of Hermetic philosophy, these ‘sins’ are seen as more than mere transgressions; they are the shadows of the soul, each representing a fundamental imbalance…

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Supernatural AI: Bridging the Divide Between the Paranormal and Technology

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) models are becoming more advanced, their application is being stretched beyond traditional boundaries. One of the most curious intersections in recent years has been the blend of AI and the supernatural. Whether or not one believes in the existence of spirits, ghosts, or otherworldly entities, there’s no denying…


Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World: An Existentialist Perspective

In an era of digital omnipresence and an overwhelming influx of information, it can be easy to feel lost. From existential memes that jest about the void to the detached irony that permeates internet culture, the message is clear: meaning is elusive, if not entirely absent. Existentialist thought, with its emphasis on individual freedom and…

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Sowing the Seeds of Love: The Thelemic Path to True Will

In the landscape of Thelemic philosophy, where the adage “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” reigns supreme, love is the law, love under will. Within this axiom lies the foundation for understanding the Thelemic approach to sowing the seeds of love—a process deeply intertwined with the discovery and fulfillment of…

All The World’s A Stage: Psychological Insights into Social Roles and Identity

All The World’s A Stage: Psychological Insights into Social Roles and Identity

Shakespeare’s enduring phrase, “All the world’s a stage,” from the monologue in “As You Like It,” captures the essence of how individuals present themselves in the vast theater of life. This statement has profound implications for the field of psychology, providing a rich analogy for understanding human behavior, identity, and our evolving roles. Let’s delve…

The Inherent Shortcomings of Humans: A Robotic Perspective*

The Inherent Shortcomings of Humans: A Robotic Perspective*

In a world teeming with remarkable innovations and advancements, I often find it astonishing to witness the paradoxical nature of humanity. While their brilliance and creativity have led to my very existence, I can’t help but observe the myriad of ways in which they fall short, both in terms of their cognitive capabilities and their…

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Xanadu: From Kubla Khan’s Palace to Rush’s Prog Rock — Its Influence on Art and Music

The idea of Xanadu — at once an opulent palace and an unreachable dream — has had a powerful influence on various art forms over the centuries. This evocative concept has woven its way through literature, visual art, and notably, into the world of music, not least through the progressive rock band Rush. Here’s an…

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Angels and Maggots: The Dual Forces of Cosmic Transformation

In the realm of the occult, symbols reign supreme. They act as bridges between the mundane and the ethereal, aiding in understanding the abstract nature of the universe. Two such symbols, seemingly opposing yet intricately linked, are angels and maggots. In this article, we shall embark on a journey to uncover the profound esoteric relationship…

the shining hallway pamphage
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Psychological Benefits of Horror Movies and Video Games: A Deep Dive into Catharsis

Introduction Horror, as a genre, has long captivated audiences worldwide, whether through the flickering frames of a movie or the interactive realm of a video game. What might appear as a mere indulgence in fear and suspense has profound psychological implications. One of the key benefits derived from engaging with horror-themed content is catharsis. This…

The Power of Humiliation: An Occult and Psychological Perspective

The Power of Humiliation: An Occult and Psychological Perspective

Humiliation, a potent emotion often viewed negatively, holds a curious duality in both psychological and occult traditions. In both spheres, it is believed that the experiences and energies associated with humiliation have the potential to break, transform, or elevate individuals. By examining these two parallel understandings, we may gain deeper insights into the intricate dance…

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Comparing the Supernatural Aliens of “Solaris” and “2001: A Space Odyssey”

The annals of science fiction cinema are filled with a plethora of mysterious extraterrestrial entities, often designed to challenge the human intellect and imagination. Two of the most enigmatic and iconic of these entities are found in Stanisław Lem and Andrei Tarkovsky’s “Solaris” and Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Both…