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Alchemy of the Soul: A Hermetic Perspective on the Seven Deadly Sins

Introduction The Seven Deadly Sins, known in Christian theology as Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust, have been long contemplated in moral and religious discourse. However, in the lens of Hermetic philosophy, these ‘sins’ are seen as more than mere transgressions; they are the shadows of the soul, each representing a fundamental imbalance…

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Sowing the Seeds of Love: The Thelemic Path to True Will

In the landscape of Thelemic philosophy, where the adage “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” reigns supreme, love is the law, love under will. Within this axiom lies the foundation for understanding the Thelemic approach to sowing the seeds of love—a process deeply intertwined with the discovery and fulfillment of…

All The World’s A Stage: Psychological Insights into Social Roles and Identity

All The World’s A Stage: Psychological Insights into Social Roles and Identity

Shakespeare’s enduring phrase, “All the world’s a stage,” from the monologue in “As You Like It,” captures the essence of how individuals present themselves in the vast theater of life. This statement has profound implications for the field of psychology, providing a rich analogy for understanding human behavior, identity, and our evolving roles. Let’s delve…

The Power of Humiliation: An Occult and Psychological Perspective

The Power of Humiliation: An Occult and Psychological Perspective

Humiliation, a potent emotion often viewed negatively, holds a curious duality in both psychological and occult traditions. In both spheres, it is believed that the experiences and energies associated with humiliation have the potential to break, transform, or elevate individuals. By examining these two parallel understandings, we may gain deeper insights into the intricate dance…


Secret Temples of the Subconscious Mind: A Dance of Occult and Psychology

The realms of the occult and psychology are seldom mentioned in the same breath. Yet, both disciplines tread the hallowed halls of the human psyche, exploring its vast chambers and hidden alcoves. The subconscious mind is akin to an ancient temple, filled with secrets waiting to be uncovered. Let us embark on a journey where…